The Future of Coaching Collaboration (FCC) is a multi-stakeholder group including representatives from corporates, leading professional bodies in the UK, academia, research institutes and Coaching at Work. FCC was formally launched in April 2015 with the aim of collaborating, professionalising and innovating to safeguard the coaching profession. The group has a long history starting out as a forum convened by Coaching which gathered professional body representatives with coaching sponsors to increase collaboration and clarify accreditation standards.
The FCC seeks to act as a catalyst and focal point for collaboration across the coaching system so that the profession may be better able to face into the future in a professional and thoughtful way. The focus of the FCC is coaching in organisational settings and as such it seeks to consider and develop guidance on best practice; continued alignment across accrediting bodies on standards and quality control, and ethics; the implications of technology on and for the coaching world.
Our FCC values are important to us:

We have a number of different activities and there are several ways of getting involved:

Get in touch with us to let us know you’re interested, or if you would like to find out more!
More FCC-related content can be found under workstreams and the Coaching Knowledge Portal.
The FCC is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 11548967.